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Services provided by the library extend beyond circulation and reference assistance. As a librarian at Vogel Library, I had the pleasure of taking part in a great team that wanted to expand the library's technology services.


After a full summer of planning, the ELITE Team (Emerging Leaders in Technology Education) was established. This program employed technologically-savvy students from Wartburg College to serve as an I.T. presence in the library. Specializing in creative programs such as Photoshop, MovieMaker, Camtasia, and more, these students served as a point of reference for students needing help with their technology projects.


In addition to establishment of ELITE, I worked with the Library Director and Dean's Office to create the Vogel Creation Studio: a portion of the library with high-powered PCs and Macs. These workstations were loaded with creative and collaborative software for students, faculty, and staff to use. Laptops, tablets, iPads, cameras, and other tools were also purchased for ELITE to circulate throughout  

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